
July 2006 - New cable pipeline to the Isle of Fur

JD-Contractor A/S laid out and embedded a cable pipeline between Jutland and Fur. A floating stage and the diving vessel M/S Honte were used during the work in Fursund.

The client: Energi Midt A/S

The place: Fursund, Denmark

The work: JD-Contractor A/S laid out and embedded a cable pipeline between Jutland and Fur in mid-July 2006. A floating stage and the diving vessel M/S Honte were used during the work in Fursund.

The work was split up into the following stages:
1. M/V Buizerd carried out a preliminary survey of the seabed in Fursund at the beginning of March 2006.
2. Welding, laying and ballasting of the pipeline.
3. Excavation of trenches close to shore.
4. Embedding of the pipeline into the seabed.

The pipeline was delivered in coils of 100 metres. It was then loaded, welded together and ballasted onboard the floating stage, assisted by the diving vessel M/S Honte. When the loading was finished and an excavator had excavated the two trenches from each shore, the diving vessel M/S Honte embedded the pipeline into the seabed.

Approx. 80 metres of trenches were excavated into the seabed from the shore in Jutland and approx. 100 metres of trenches were excavated into the seabed from the shore on Fur.

Approx. 965 metres of pipeline were laid out, ballasted and embedded at a depth of min. 1 metre into the seabed.

The work, including the preliminary survey, lasted 5 days and was carried out as scheduled.