
June 2008 - Laying and embedding at Guldborgsund

Until now, this has been the most we have laid. The cable bundle consisted of 7 cables.

Client: SEAS-NVE

From 9th to 20th June 2008 JD-Contractor A/S laid and embedded seven cables and pipes in one bundle over a distance of 1438 m at Guldborgsund between Lolland and Falster.

Until now, this has been the most we have laid. The challenge was handling this number of units together and laying them without damaging any of them.

The cables and pipes were delivered in their full length on reels and loaded onto the multi purpose barge S/B Victor. A total load of about 100 metric tons.

The cable was for most of the distance laid in pre-excavated trenches; the rest was laid on the seabed and later jetted down.

The cable bundle consisted of 7 cables.

  • 3 cables for 132 kV, one conductor, with a cross section of 1600 mm2 and an outer diameter of 102 mm.
  • 2 earth conductors of 95 mm2 with an outer diameter 14 mm.
  • 2 cable pipes for communication cables with an outer diameter of 63 mm.

Total weight: 64 kg per meter.

Despite bad weather conditions, JD-Contractor A/S finished the work on schedule