
C/S Cable One will escort The Sea Stallion

Journalists from Dagbladet Politikken, Danmarks Radio and BBC will live onboard C/S Cable One while employees from JD-Contractor A/S escort The Sea Stallion from Clendalough in Ireland cross the North Sea.

The Sea Stallion from Clendalough is a reconstruction of Skuldelev 2, the ocean-going longboat on display in the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark. It was built in Dublin in 1042 and ended its day on the bottom of Roskilde Fjord at the end of 11th century. The Sea Stallion was built at the Viking Ship Museum boatyard using the methods, materials and tools of the Viking Age.

The project was financed by the Tuborg Foundation.

The Sea Stallion was launched in 2004 and the Viking Ship Museum is currently preparing a trial voyage from Roskilde to Dublin in 2007, and plans to return around the north of Scotland in 2008. The purpose of the voyage is, among other things, to test and document the seaworthiness of the ship, and its speed and manoeuvrability in the waters sailed by original longboat.

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik is patron for the voyage.

Read more:

A good friend is coming with us

Hello Kirkwall - Goodbye ´Cable One´    

The heroes of 'Cable One' - 2007    
