Survey Equipment
JD-Contractor Survey equipment
Multibeam sonars:
Reson 7125 SV2
Reson 7125 ROV2
Coda Octopus 3D echoscope 375/610 KHz
Kongsberg GeoSwath Plus
Imagenex Delta T 837
Sound velocity sensors:
Valeport MiniSVS
Motion sensors:
Ixblue Octans 3000
Kongsberg Seatex MRU-H
Kongsberg Seatex MRU-Z
Oceantools MiniFOG
Fiberoptical Gyros:
Ixblue Octans 3000
Oceantools MiniFOG
GPS receivers:
Ashtech Prollex 800
Ashtech Proflex 500
Ashtech Prolex Lite
Trimble SPS 852
Trimble SPS 852/552H (dual receiver with heading)
Trimble SPS 661/551H (dual receiver with heading)
USBL systems:
Sonardyne Ranger2
Sonardyne Scout
Ore Bats
Cable Tracker systems:
Teledyne TSS 440
Teledyne TSS 350
Wire Trace
Innovatum tone generator
Radio modems:
Satel Sateline 3AS
Satel Sateline 3AS Epic
Time Tagging Unit:
Eiva NaviPac, NaviScan, NaviEdit, NaviModel, NaviPlot, CableLay and NaviSuite UCA
JD-Contractor ROV Survey equipment
Multibeam sonars:
Reson 7125 ROV2
Coda Octopus 3D echoscope 375/610 KHz
Imagenex Delta T 837
Blueview P900-2250 dual frequency
Motion sensors:
Ixblue Octans 3000
Oceantools MiniFOG
Fiberoptical Gyros:
Ixblue Octans 3000
Oceantools MiniFOG
USBL systems:
Sonardyne Ranger2
Sonardyne Scout
Ore Bats
Cable Tracker systems:
Teledyne TSS 440
Teledyne TSS 350
Wire Trace
Depth and Altimeter sensors:
Kongsberg MS1007
Video overlay and recording systems:
NETmc marine X-ops
Oceantools VO4W